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2021: Holiday Letter

Merry Happy New Year Greetings Wishes! 

A few pieces of housekeeping: 

1. If you change your address, please let me know.

2. This is me letting you know I changed my address. It’s now: 111 E. Whitman Dr. #6, College Place, WA 99324

3. Coaching Life Alchemy has again expanded with new partners & programs: Youth Peer Coaching with Brielle Bennie, Breathwork: Internal & External Space Clearing with Annalisa Molina, Accountability & Health Groups,& offering the Nancy Belk Scholarship.  (All at or contact me.)

Also, gifting $200 off a new coaching package, or group, with code: HOLIDAYGOLD

I boldly decided to shift from a holiday card, to a New Year card this year.  I thought this shift was an accurate mirror to the huge shifts , a subtle yet parallel choice, an echo of the change still ringing through my life. But no, it’s come down to being about a few extra weeks to procrastinate. It’s about 4:00pm on December 27, here we go.  

I imagined a beautiful page layout here, with stories and photos side by side. I can’t figure it out.  I’m familiar enough with wordpress to feel like I’m making progress, and also not familiar enough to actually finish projects. So, no photos here. And you can see them in an album by clicking on this link.

2021 wrapped up beautifully.  I spent the various holidays with Logan, my cousins, their kids, and my dearest friends.  On Christmas, Logan made breakfast for me, Annalisa, and Tory, and we hung out in the backyard by the fire (although we were wearing t-shirts and enjoying the sunshine,) playing games and watching the animals play. 

After 2.5 years living with Tory, and 6.5 years in 314 Myrtle, the time came to move.  And once it came, it happened fast.  I gifted, sold, or trashed about 70% of my things, and put the rest in to boxes. Cleaned out the shed, shone flashlights to the back of closets and dark corners, and methodically packed and sifted my things, as I said goodbye to my favorite home. 

I knew in my heart moving was the best choice, and still, I experienced deep grief.  Nearly every day I lived in that house, I looked around at it’s beauty and offered prayers of thanks to God for this space. The many gatherings, my kind landlord Shane, and the wonderful roommates, that became family: Amanda, Kevin, Kat, and Tory. This is where my dogs passed.  Where Logan and I had our first date. And the backyard held 100s of bonfires, and even more conversations.

I know I just said “I packed,” but really it took a village to get everything done. The moving company I hired ended up being awful and at the last minute they changed the timeline and the price. I felt backed in a corner, like I had to agree, and couldn’t figure out another way.  Next thing I know, my friends Anwar and Katori picked up the last available moving truck in all of California and Arizona, drove from Mesa, AZ to Redlands, CA, and with everything loaded up, drove the truck for us to Washington State. Their love and commitment is humbling. 

On the last morning, we started early.  About 15 people came. My cousins Tiffany and Wendy brought donuts and coffee.  Scotty and Jay played “stuff Tetris,” filling the truck. Radcliffe brought all the packing gear. Aren (thank you for the prayer of blessing,)  Brendon and a bunch of Logan’s friends I don’t even know, carried heavy stuff. Teryl and Annalisa cleaned and taped boxes.  We all painted. And I sobbed.  Like body shaking, double pumping, tears, snot and wadded tissues, sobbed.  The last moments were a total come-apart with Annalisa and Teryl, the two best friends anyone could have. The sun was setting, we loaded up the animals and began the drive north.  

With all the commotion around moving, we hadn’t thought a lot about the drive. 17 hours in a packed to the brim Prius, 2 people, 2 dogs, 2 cats and 1 litter box. We hoped by the time the cats figured out what was happening, we’d be almost done. Nope. Sweet Roma cat threw-up before we reached the highway.  Our 1st night goal was to reach Sacramento and stay with friends. 

We were exhausted, the animals were a disaster, someone peed in the car. It was a hot mess, and we just focused on getting to Sac and having a nice bed to sleep in.  Just after 2AM, we pulled up to the house, unloaded the car, and realized the house door was locked. I had miscommunicated our plans. Our hosts thought we were arriving the next day. So back to the pee prius we all went.  It was rough. 

Finally, we arrived in College Place, Washington.  It was a bizarre paradox to leave home, to come home.  I grew up in College Place.  In fact, Logan works for the same University that my dad worked for.  And fortunately, I still have friends and family in the area.

I realize if I continue at this pace, this will be a very long note.  So, from here on, juicy bullet points with a few added touches, and photos to match.


Holiday Friends-mas and New Year sleepover with Annalisa and Tory: bonfires, board games, and backyard hangouts.

A surprise and fast move, from Redlands, CA to College Place, WA. Moving was full of emotions, asking and receiving support, and gifting/selling/donating most of my things.  Living with Tory has been wonderful and hilarious. I’d told Logan if we got married, we need a home with a backhouse. So Logan would have somewhere to live 🙂 The movers were slimy; at the last minute I had no truck or way to move. Dear friends & buddies, Anwar & Katori, rented the last available truck, drove from Arizona to California, loaded it up & drove everything to Washington. I am humbled by their love & commitment. We drove to WA in a packed Prius; 2 people, 2 dogs, 2 cats, & 1 litter box. Roma Tomato puked before we even made it to the highway. It was a long trip. 

Left home, to move home. I grew up in College Place. My grade school friends Jon and Cody helped unpack the truck. Kiki, Luz, Michelle & Shelly welcomed me back, Aunt Traci lives down the street, & it’s lovely to live near the Salvos again!

After months of living like Grandpa Joe (from the 1st Willy Wonka movie,) I finally figured out how to rearrange the furniture so I’m not eating, working, and sleeping, all on my bed. Also, I’ve learned that my Prius, Fiona Apple, and I are all useless in the snow.  There is so much snow.  Lula, we’re not in California anymore. 

I discovered Lula has health issues; yet she is still my constant travel buddy. Ready to go anywhere, meet anyone, and never ask permission.  I call her “12 lbs of pure confidence” (and 8 of it’s hair.)  Writing a kid’s book: 

Logan and I participated in a Couples Coaching Group: Couples Intimacy Practice. So grateful for our new tools!

It’s my high-school 20th reunion this year (WWVA.)  HOW?  Event canceled, yet living here still seems to count.

Celebrated 38 in Alaska with Logan. Fairbanks’ Chena Hot Springs Resort (-28 degrees.) We laughed at the sucker-tourists buying excursions. Then we bought ALL of them. Dog sledding, ice hotel tour, cross country skiing, snow-mobiling, and we saw the Northern Lights on my birthday. Being a descendant of arctic explorer Roald Amundsen, I decided I tapped into my ancestral roots. Walked through Matanuska Glacier, went to the top of Alyeska Resort, and snow tubed down hills at Arctic Valley. On a boat trip outside Seward, found ourselves surrounded by gorgeous killer whales. And, rented the grossest-smelling car ever. 

God sent Deanna to our family! She is the best pet sitter anyone could dream of. I am so grateful for you, Deanna!

We visited Grandma E, Mom and Randy on the Oregon Coast. We celebrated birthdays and enjoyed the ocean. 

Gerard Cole asked me to host the Anniversary Cole to Diamonds Podcast episode; fun and a huge privilege. 

Traveled to Seattle (area),WA. We loved visiting the Carli Family, especially the chalk “welcome” drawing from Amelia, Aiden & Ethan. Explored the colorful tulip fields and ferried the San Juan Islands. Re-connected (cried) with Amanda & her sweet baby, Adi.

I clearly wasn’t quite ready to leave CA, and ended up spending 4+ months there AFTER moving.

Visited Jen, Scott, Berlin and Frankie often, and ate the BEST food at Workshop in Palm Springs, with Chef Beren.

Visited with Uncle Bill, Cousins Scotty, Wendy, Lorraine, Drew, Tiff & Jay, loved on the kiddos, & welcomed baby Noah!

A Therapist, Shaman, & Medicine woman take their student to Mexico… Sounds like the start of a joke, and was actually one of my best adventures yet! Strolled San Miguel de Allende, participated in a beautiful Temazcal ceremony and other spiritual practices, enjoyed the sights of Bernal, & toured Guanajuato and its tunnels; until a flash flood forced us to find high & dry land.

Washington brought new opportunities for coaching students & athletes; it’s been inspiring, fun and rewarding.

Nostalgic camping trip to Fishhook, on the Snake River. It was windy & the tent stakes got left at home. We stayed in the tent.

Logan lead a surprise day trip to Crystal Mountain Resort. He told me to dress for summer fun. He’d planned for us to ride the tram to the top. We arrived and found heaps of snow. Everyone else was in their snow gear, while we were in our summer fun clothes. Turns out, he based his clothing advice on their website’s use of the words “summer hours.”

 2nd summer road trip in the car-partment. WA->CA-> FL->SD ->NE ->CO->AZ ->CA ->WA. We packed 18 pairs of shoes. 

Mike and Gina got married in Temecula, and I officiated! It was a profound honor, and a great dance party.

Logan reconnected with family – so we drove to Florida to visit, & fell in love with Doug and Tresa! It was a healing time, and also full of laughter and joy. We saw 75+ Alligators. Amid car issues, the dogs (in the car,) locked us out of the car. Treasured time on the beaches; caught a surprise Blue Angels home show in Pensacola. We lost 1 of our matching American flag sunglasses. 3 days of DisneyWorld. We experienced Star Wars & logged 60,000 humid steps. It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. 

November marked 5 years since working for WorldWorks. As time passes, my gratitude expands, as does my love for the many Graduates, Lisa, Maureen, Adrian, Rayehe, Jeff, Julia, Lynne, Gene & the Stand Team (OVER!).

Made the most of my last days in CA: The Van Gogh Immersive Experience, Late Late show with James Corden, Rufus Wainwright, The Sound of Music Sing Along at the Hollywood Bowl, Jason Bonham’s Led Zeppelin Experience, and a wonderful camping trip to Joshua Tree: hot tubbed under the stars, sunrise at the Cholla Cactus Garden, & a midnight car tow out of the dirt.

Logan got his wisdom teeth out & I shamelessly enjoyed (and filmed) his sweet druggy commentary. 

I had my 4th foot surgery in September, with weeks of recovery at Annalisa’s home. She welcomed me in and has been the best friend and nurse. Her dog Flynn, however, may want to eat Lula. His name for her is “Pom Pom Snack.”

Celebrated Katherine’s birthday in Colorado! What a party! Wonderful to reconnect with friends (NYDIA!) & celebrate.

Lula & I road-tripped from Denver to LA: Loved Antelope Canyon, Monument Valley, Moab & Horseshoe Bend. Her near death experience: She exited the hotel elevator without me. The doors closed. Leash still attached. She screamed. I screamed. Finally, I got back to the 4th floor. Her leash broke, harness empty. She miraculously escaped & already found new friends down the hall. 

Oneal family home-coming in Heltand, SD. Coffee Camp, games, ancestors & stories with Grandma O, Dad, & Heather.

Overjoyed to participate in a writing workshop with Rob Bell.  I couldn’t get myself to call him “Rob.” I consistently called him “Robbell.”  Also, Pops & I heard him speak in Portland.

Visited Aunt Terri & Uncle Ron in Georgia, Aunt Julie & Uncle Norm in Tennessee, and Zack Brown Band in Iowa.

LOVING the Foundations Personal Growth Workshops; participating and witnessing friends have profound experiences. Very grateful to have this space of transformation, in Redlands, CA & Portland, OR; also to share it with Dad.

In October, Logan & I went to Maui, Hawaii. My 50th State, and our 50th State together. While snorkeling, we literally almost swam into a giant sea turtle. We drove The Road to Hana. Went to the top of Mt. Haleakala for the view, only to see fog upon fog (this is called “not-seeing,” opposite of, “sight-seeing.” It’s a travel trend for me: Crater Lake, Tian Tan Buddha, Iceland.)

On our 2nd anniversary, post sunrise on an empty beach amid the pearly shells, Logan surprisingly & sweetly proposed. I’m happy, we’re happy. I’m glad the proposal didn’t include “will you ‘maui-me?’ or ‘meow-ee me?’”

Thanksgiving turned to “ThanksLoving,” as we gathered our families, and a few close friends, all for the first time to meet and celebrate our commitment to spend life together. Wedding coming soon! Please RSVP to get in the loop for updates:

Cheers to a New Year!

With Love, Lyndsay Rose

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