The Gold Created…
Healing, Peaceful, Nonjudgemental
Lyndsay is a magical person who sees the beauty in everyone she meets. Her coaching style is healing, peaceful, and nonjudgemental.
She is a mover and a shaker who fills rooms and lives with her limitless loving joy and zest for life.
Present, love and unwavering stand!
The biggest thing that comes to my mind thinking about Lyndsay and her coaching is the word “Present”.
She is so amazing at listening and weeding through all the bs I would spout off and be really there for me. She heard every word and would know exactly how to be in order to support me in shifting. She is a truly amazing soul filled with so much love.
When I first met Lyndsay it was at a pivotal point in my life. I felt lost and scared I really didn’t know where I was going. With her coaching and unwavering stand for who she could see in me even when I could not I was able to create a confident, passionate and authentic man.
I love who I am today I love my passion for life. I love the people in my life and the biggest thing is I deep down love my self. Without her coaching I would never have found that. I know I will always have her support and love and look forward to continue working with her in the future!
Forever grateful!
Having Lyndsay Oneal as a coach has been one of the great gifts of my life. During our time together I reaped very tangible results from career expansion to opening my heart to a romantic relationship for the very first time to shedding 20 pounds as a result of shedding the weight of human patterns and belief systems that were not serving me.
What’s beautiful is that almost eight years later her words of wisdom still ring through my mind and I often giggle as her coaching becomes more real and more deeply understood as the years go by and I am able to see what she saw – even if back then I wasn’t ready.
I was so deeply inspired by how Lyndsay showed up for me as a coach that I began coaching in a volunteer capacity and have done so ever since. Lyndsay has mastered the delicate dance of patient, nurturing listener and raw, to-the-point feedback giver. She knows when to hold space for the heart of a client and when to hold up a mirror no matter how brutal the reflection she reveals.
Her coaching style allows clients to reach their own conclusions and create revelations that stick because they came from within, not from outside advice. Lyndsay is a beautiful creature inside and out and I would highly recommend her to anyone seeking self knowledge, life clarity, expansion, growth, breakthrough, renewal and the opportunity to get out of their own way and let their light shine bright, unspotted, free.
It started with a question
It all started with a very simple question, “What do you want and what’s the experience you’re looking for?” But it wasn’t what she said, it was how she said it and, more importantly, how she heard me when I responded to the question.
Lyndsay was my first experience with a life coach and I couldn’t have chosen a better person for it. When I talk to Lyndsay, I get that she really hears me and cares about what I am passionate about, often seeing my passion before I clearly see it. She has a deep understanding of people and caring heart to see them achieve everything they want to achieve.
Since that first question from Lyndsay, I’ve created an amazing job I am passionate about going to each day. Also, I am blessed to say I’m now married to the woman of my dreams, and just recently we started a family together. Everyday I get to wake up and feel grateful for the family I’ve created and confident that I am making them proud in what I go to work and do everyday. Thank you Lyndsay for starting my journey!!
Life Impacting Investment
The investment financial and personally I have made working with Lyndsay has been truly life altering.
The level of love, accountability and commitment that I have received working with her these last 5+ years had forever altered me, my way of living my life and strengthening my work chops! I am and will continue to be forever grateful for her!!!
Lyndsay is the best of the best
Having a lot of people that I consider great coaches and role models in my life, I would definitely say Lyndsay is the best of the best. She is very skilled at asking the right questions to evoke what is needed in pretty much every situation.
I’ve always left a call or “session” with Lyndsay feeling empowered and ready to tackle my goals and go after whatever it is that I need to accomplish.
I find that she challenges me in just the right way that I feel understood and still held accountable. I love working with Lyndsay because all in all she sets the right tone that I can be honest, feel safe, and it be enjoyable.
Thank you so much Lyndsay for your time, patience, and energy helping and supporting me in all the areas of my life.
Lyndsay is the person I have gone to for coaching for years.
Lyndsay is the person I have gone to for coaching for years.
She is always insightful, loving, and clear. Her support has been hugely beneficial to me over the years.
I highly recommend her to anyone.
Coaching with Magic
Lyndsay is a true transformational leader and coach. I first met her as my personal coach as she supported me in reaching my goals around career, personal growth, community service, enrollment, and relationships. She challenged me, cheered me on, and called me forth for 3 months and I excelled!
Since then I have created loving and committed relationships, I got married to the most amazing man, we bought our first home, I started our own design firm, we adopted two dogs and just gave birth to our daughter! Lyndsay has been an imparitive force in my life and my achievements.
I would describe her coaching style as loving, patient, powerful and committed. The way that she listens to me and others has the people around her feeling heard and deeply understood. She seems to always have the right questions to ask myself and intuitively knows how to reach me to reignite my passion and commitment.
I trust her completely to coach myself and all of my loved ones.
Of all the people who’ve impacted my life, Lyndsay is #3, right behind my parents.
Of all the people who have impacted my life in any way, Lyndsay is #3 right behind my parents.
She uses her amazing sight to know just what I need to hear at any moment to break through what I’m currently experiencing to where I want to be, and it’s often not what I thought I wanted.
She sees the me that I truly am, not just the one that is standing in front of her- and she holds me to it with unwavering love and acceptance. I owe her my life, quite literally. You won’t find a better coach.
Eric Genesoto- Founder
Lyndsay is one of the best coaches I have been coached by…
Lyndsay is one of the best coaches I have been coached by.
I am a coach myself and have been coached extensively by many different coaches within the last 2 years. Lyndsay always has positive feedback, and in sessions with her, the insight I get is connected and clear.
I trust her completely to be kind, accepting and never judge. She is so filled with light and so uplifting. No matter where I am at before calling, I always feel more in possibility when the call is over.
I am so grateful I got the opportunity to get coaching from Lyndsay
I found my destination! Thank you!
My name is Justin. I am a 41-year-old attorney. Before I met Lyndsay, I was on a trip to nowhere; but after working with Lyndsay I found my destination. Thanks Lyndsay!
Lyndsay is Golden
I have been coached by Lyndsay and simply put, she is gifted.
What I got out of our sessions was a sense of team and it was authentically delivered. I really felt that she is on my team for me in a way that not many people have been before. Her belief in me generated so many positive effects, beyond anything I could have predicted.
These include motivation, confidence, and belief in my own self. What was also really great is that she didn’t do the work for me, I was doing the work because it was my goals. She did a profound job of keeping me on the hook for what I wanted to create, which completely supported me.
Loving, Supportive, BIG possibility, & Committed
Lyndsay is a wonderful coach. Her style is unique in a way that she believes that the answers are inside of me, which has supported me to get clear on what I want and see what is possible.
I would call her a vision whisperer because she hears what is not being said and what is holding me back. This information was valuable for me to understand what my break throughs are in life. Even though she coached me 1.5 years ago, she continues to be supportive and committed to my life vision. She truly cares about creating magic for every human being.
Thanks Lyndsay for always standing for my greatness !
Much Love,
Lyndsay. . . you are my hero!!
I will be forever indebted to this sweet firecracker for her coaching contribution to my transformation and personal growth.
Thanks to her courage, honesty, and commitment to helping others, I am today a better, more connected, and more joyful husband, father, and physician.
She had the laser-like gifts to clearly see me, and then help me see myself and the choices I am making. Lyndsay has a heart of gold, along with the quiet confidence to tell it like it is. I would absolutely recommend taking advantage of this talented, loving coach if you are curious about seeing something you might be missing, and taking your life to an amazing level. I did!
Lyndsay is a Great Guide
Lyndsay is a coach who could be your best friend, guiding and leading you to better choices in life.
I confidently recommend her to anyone as a life coach because she’s been always that person to me since I met her five years ago, and witnessed so many people supported by her.
She is wise, truthful, loving person and she cares deeply about people’s lives. I’m one of the hundreds and thousands people that she touched for years.
Lyndsay the Giver
Because Lyndsay has done much personal transformtional work for herself, she wants everyone to realize the privilege of discovering who they were created to be.
She sets the course for greatness and lets nothing stand in the way for herself or others. My experiences with her are marked with respect, integrity, honesty and openness to possibilities I never dreamed could be a reality.
I’m grateful to her and for her! Patsi
Love Driven
Having been coached by Lyndsay on so many occasions and in many different aspects of my life, I am so honored to share how amazing she is!
Lyndsay asks such great questions that have me do the work on myself. In turn it has me be accountable and responsible for what I am generating in my life. Lyndsay is her most authentic self in her coaching, I believe that she believes that supporting others is her life purpose.
I have seen so many people create amazing results in their lives having Lyndsay as their coach. Lyndsay is loyal and does not sell out on people. At the same time, she continues to work on herself. Which I believe is the best way to serve others. She is in constant growth. Lyndsay has the courage and love to take on anything!
I would recommend to have her on your team if creating amazing results in your life is what really matters to you!
Attentive, Genuine, Clear… and one of the most impactful people in my & my family’s life!
The most incredible way that Lyndsay is different from other life coaches is the way that she clearly cuts through the fat, the excuses, the surface layers of what we say and hears the underlying reasons that hold ourselves back.
She can see you already at your goals and grandest potential and, even though it’s up to us (me) to become it, she illuminates a new way to grow to that success and beyond.
Two of my cousins also had the privilege to be coached by her! I only heard positive things and excitement about Lyndsay (duh!) and what they were creating in their lives from her coaching. They’re now confident in their careers- one getting a promotion and another pursuing her creative dreams. She was able to change old patterns of dating less than stellar men to now dating someone who she is excited about and is comfortable introducing to her children.
She leaves me intrigued, inspired, and empowered to be the best version of myself.
I have experienced several perspectives in life coaching and found Lyndsay’s style of coaching inspiring, empowering, and spot on.
Her gift brings to life what holds me back from being my best and truest self, in any situation. Lyndsay’s empathy, courage, and unique questioning techniques, have continually supported me in the discovery of self-love, self-worth and forgiveness.
I feel comfortable sharing my vulnerabilities with Lyndsay trusting what I share is in complete confidence thus creating an opening for breakthrough and self-acceptance.
With Love and Gratitude
The quiet storm of transformation coaching…
Lyndsay has the ability to connect and go deep without background noise (0-60 in 3.5 seconds).
I “call for coaching” quite often and Lyndsay brings forth clarity in an effortless and grounded manner.
I love her and I love her style.
The Greatest Love
Lyndsay creates a beautiful space that is honest, loving and direct.
In working with Lyndsay, I have been able to access parts of my heart that had been shut down for years. The awakening changed my life. She is able to ask questions in a way that poses new possibilities and she is present in every step of the journey.
Lyndsay continues to inspire me to greater heights in who I am.
Lyndsay is like a hug from the inside out.
Lyndsay is like a hug from the inside out. Her love, compassion, and resilience makes her a true powerhouse.
Having Lyndsay as a coach has been one of the most significant choices I’ve ever made. Conversations with her about life and my goals felt easy.
Before I knew it, I was getting to uncover beliefs that no longer served me. She is a fire starter and a trailblazer. I would absolutely recommend her to anyone who wants to believe again, because no matter the goal, she will rekindle your passion and love for life.
She NEVER gives up on YOU
Ever have that person in your life, that no matter what’s happening or what excuses you give, is still standing right by your side?
That’s Lyndsay. I’ve had the honor of being close friends and coached by Lyndsay and can say this, She NEVER gives up on YOU.
Always in my corner, always ready to support, she NEVER backs down!!!
Lyndsay radiates something that is almost inexplainable.
She is a force. Just being around her has created a shift in my energy. I feel lighter. She has supported me in seeing all of the possibilities that exist, when it can be so easy to see the roadblocks. And she does with a compassion and commitment that cannot be matched.
She is so fun to be around. And that makes every experience a memorable one. Her heart is so open, and that openness allows me to step into openly being my true self. Lyndsay is someone who leaves a lasting impression. Whenever I am being challenged, I envision her standing by my side with encouragement. And sometimes, knowing that someone is standing for you is all you need to rise to your greatest heights.
I am forever changed thanks to the knowledge and coaching that Lyndsay has provided. Its allowed me to continue growing in all aspects of my life, many years later.
Effective, Results-Oriented Coaching
Lyndsay’s coaching is always focused on what will work for me — so that I achieve my goals. She uses her insight to shine a spotlight on how I am acting, so that I can quickly see how I can be more effective in my life.
For me, the best coaching is all about results – and Lyndsay knows how to create results!
Rick Sackett
General Counsel
Communications Technology Company
I’m writing this from…
I’m writing this from the terrace at my manhattan hotel on my way to do the work I love to do, after having just told my girlfriend that I love her. I am here because I am who I am. In abstract, it makes only moderate sense. It makes sense in context, and that is the key. Context. Pulling my self from it, seeing it, then putting myself into the context I choose is why I am here.
I have all these wonderful things in my life because I was guided into a means to choose that context. I was, and am, guided with respect, love, and no bullshit. Lyndsay is a phenomenal coach and an amazing fperson and I am immensely grateful for having her in my life.
Experienced, inspiring, powerful, spot-on coaching!
I always look forward to Lyndsay’s coaching!
Her clarity, deep listening and active presence create a space where I can bounce new ideas around, explore foggy areas I want to develop clearly, feel safe expressing any “vulnerable” emotions and simultaneously feel totally supported in creating my goals.
Lyndsay’s insight and feedback are “spot-on”! She amazes me with her ability to shine light on the perfect place at the perfect time.
She articulates who people are so beautifully
I am honored to be sharing about Lyndsay, with you.
She is a woman with a loving, giving, patient, gentle heart. She is an excellent listener, and has the beautiful ability to hear what it is I am not saying. She truly sees, hears and feels people. She articulates who people are so beautifully. She really understands people.
Her love, neutrality, and support in bringing my best self forth, setting me up to win, and being the space for me to “get it” is inspiring and empowering. And, I love her quick wit and humor. Thank you, Lyndsay, for Being who you are and sharing your gift with the world.
Coaching with Compassion and Integrity
Lyndsay coaches by creating relationships.
She is compassionate, and works from a stance of love. In working with me she was always committed to what I said I wanted for my life. Her insightful questions supported me in letting go of what was in the way of me creating my goals and dreams.
She can be gentle and rigorous in the same moment. Her collaborative style works so well to clarify and define goals. I always felt in partnership with Lyndsay, knowing she was committed to my highest possibility.
-Counselor, Early Childhood Specialist
There are so many things I appreciate about working with Lyndsay; the first is her listening, it’s deep. She hears what I’m saying, what I’m not saying and dives in from there uncovering what I have not seen or been reluctant to reveal.
Her commitment to my results. Lyndsay is about me having, being and experiencing what matters to me and coming to life as my best self. She does not get off it.
Lyndsay is the real deal she’s not just talking about or consulting personal growth and transformation, she’s taking it on in her own life. She is always expanding who she is and what she has to offer her clients.
I am filled with gratitude for you Lyndsay and who you are for me, my family and our community!
A Rare Gem!
I have known Lyndsay for nearly 13 years and am grateful to have a friendship that has evolved in many ways. What I quickly realized in meeting Lyndsay was her innate ability to instantly connect with whoever came into her space. Whatever background, walk of life or culture, her acceptance is genuine and authentic.
Lyndsay is a woman who not only supports you and your dream, she becomes so completely invested in you and your dream such that one might think it was her dream! Lyndsay is the person you want in your corner, the person that will be the first to celebrate your success and the person that you will turn to for comfort in a time of struggle.
Lyndsay is my dear friend and she has been a supportive coach in many pivotal points of my life. Lyndsay is a treasure that will serve your life in the greatest possible way.
I highly recommend her as a coach
I met Lyndsay Oneal in a series of transformational classes where she was part of the coaching staff. What I noticed most about her in her coaching abilities, and I am twice her age, was her practicality and ‘can do’ spirit to navigate the most difficult life crises. Lyndsay also has a side of her coaching that evokes fun and helps make some mundane tasks enjoyable by her willingness to demonstrate joy in life, even while some days I feel bleak and heavy and hopeless.
I find her ability to listen to me with empathy and compassion, and offer some amazing out of the box strategies which shift my perspective and support me in being able to then handle something that before felt was insurmountable are just a few of her skills in coaching me.
There are two occasions worth noting where Lyndsay offered me coaching of many that I remember and apply to this day. One was after one of my long drawn out stories. Lyndsay said to me, ‘ why did you tolerate that?’ I was baffled by it and continue to ask myself that question when I feel ‘stuck’. I have also raised the question with friends and family members. It’s amazing the revelations I have had out of that one simple question from her coaching.
On another occasion, I told Lyndsay a long drawn out tale of woes where I wanted to quit what I was doing over and over. She said to me, ‘well, why did you tell yourself that story when there were and are so many other ways to handle it?’ I was so stuck in the solution of quitting that I had failed to search for alternative solutions.
Lyndsay’s succinct, insightful knowledge and abilities keep me returning to her time and again as she supports me to change my life in one phrase or question or strategy. How amazing is that! I highly recommend her as a coach.
A Committed & Professional Coach
Lyndsay is a committed professional with years experience coaching transformation. She has done the work for herself and is an embodiment of transformational values and principles. Prepare to be astonished at your own magnificence brought forth by a coach who knows that 100% is possible 100% of the time.
Experience the confidence and dedication in the presence of a woman who cares about you and your results and will go through the struggles and obstacles with you. Her dedication to excellence is her integrity. She is supportive, engaging, caring and loves her work. You will have an honest coach that will work through the tough times with you, looking for what’s possible and will expand your being with innovative idea mining, loving vulnerability, authentic passion and creative reinvention.
A powerful, confident coach with the maturity to match-up to any task, any day. A committed listener offering, profound feedback to create openings for possibility to land on. A result oriented coach, leading and supporting your needs on-track with your own objectives, embedding a sense of responsibility and accountability you can trust will serve you.
A unique, committed coach, with a heart of gold.
I had the honor of coaching side by side with Lyndsay for years. Her commitment, courage, vulnerability and knowledge always did, and still does, blow me away. She would stay on my goals no matter how much I tried to get off them and she did it in a way where I always felt cared for and understood.
I have watched her coach hundreds of people, from all walks of life and I would recommend her as a coach to anyone seeking tremendous results in their life.
” A Committed and Magical Coach”
For the last several years, I had an honor of working with Lyndsay at a transformational coaching company, and I can not say enough good things about Lyndsay. She is not only an amazing human being, but she is an incredible coach. She has so much space for people. She coaches people by evoking their vision and goals and has every single person feel empowered and inspired.
She does it all with ease and grace. She is committed to all the people around her achieving everything that they say is important to them. She sees everyone in their highest possibility and she will not stop til they see it for themselves. Her feed back is dead on and she as an ability of making it land in a way that is gentle yet firm. She is Magical. I am blessed to call her a friend and a colleague.
I WAS frozen with FEAR
Finally, after much procrastination, called Lyndsay.
I am a psychotherapist myself; so for the last year I’ve been telling myself that I need NO help, I can start another successful private practice in a new city; after all, I’ve done it twice before!
But there I was, frozen with fear. In 4 coaching sessions, Lyndsay took me from that overwhelmed place to a place of confidence and productivity. She has the ability to hear not only what you are saying, but also what you are not saying! Lyndsay brings out the creative, enthusiastic,successful part of you.
I highly recommend her as a life coach, and I know I would still be struggling if I had not called. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made!
It’s a transformational privilege to be coached by Lyndsay.
It’s a transformational privilege to be coached by Lyndsay.
Her presence is a declared and open space of possibility. It’s as if limitations actually disappear when with her.
I have never experienced anyone like Lyndsay; I get to meet all of who I am with her but somehow through the lens of my actual seeming limitless potential! Yes, her realized stance is that powerful!
To be coached by Lyndsay is a guarantee for a huge step forward on whatever journey one is on, and to get to experience aspects of capacity of oneself that I can’t describe with any other words then, Mind-Blowing!
Amazing Manifestations
I cannot thank Lyndsay enough for the guidance and support she has provided me this past year. Her inisght has provided me the courage to follow my dreams and “show up” as the person I desired to be.
I was at a point in my life where I felt stuck. I wasn’t happy with my career and I felt as if I were simply settling with what life was throwing at me. Lyndsay helped me to identify my passions and focus on making them a reality.
To my surprise, many of my dreams are starting to come true and I am so much more firmly grounded in who I am as an individual. It feels great! Thank you!
Results in All Areas
“I got more accomplished and found my commitments and helped me to move forward with other projects and create other results. I created connection with my wife, lost weight and established health habits and support from the main people in my life.”
I became the women I need to be to have what I want
I gained clarity on what I am looking for in a job and became the women I need to be that would have that job. I found that having support and asking for help really made a difference. Having commitments and clarity with my schedule set my life up for what I want.
In Just 1 Session…
I created in 1 session with Lyndsay what I had been trying to do for 3 years by myself.
My life is 100% better than it was before I saw her
If I had a magic TV…
We’ve had success: Myself, +I refferred my daughter, mom, husband, sons, friends, & nephew!
It’s like a switch was flipped
I accomplished 100% of what I said
I LOVE Lyndsay as my coach, and can’t thank her enough!
I really, 125 thousand million percent can say, I wouldn’t be here without you.
I had a mindset change and am empowered!
I gained a deeper connection with my kids, lost weight and gained momentum with my physical health. Setting goals and following through is a breakthrough! I had a mindset change and am empowered that I have the power to complete my goals.
This coaching is priceless
This coaching is priceless, you have quite possibly changed my whole life moving forward.
Phil Jackson Level Coaching!
That was Phil Jackson level coaching, Lyndsay. And that’s the highest compliment I could ever pay you. Thank You.
I am Free and Confident
You are wonderful at having me understand myself and shift my brain. I’m so happy I’m working with you and I really feel free and like I know myself.
I lost 25lbs
Support and Encouragment
I get it now.
I get it now. I can see where I’m selling out on myself, where I’ve been believing I couldn’t fulfill my dreams. Coaching has me see exactly the man I am committed to being and exactly the steps to take.
Ground Breaking
Pivotal Coaching
Your coaching and the opportunity to deepen the insight into my life, has been pivotal in me really accomplishing what I want.
Travel Fear Breakthrough!
Finally let it go.
I just completed “Lonely Hearts Coaching Group” I see now that If I do it the right way and the healthy way, and let myself think about it and really feel something, feel it the whole whole way through, I can really let it go.
I wouldn’t have gotten through this heartache, this fast or this pure.
I feel the most powerful, authentic, loving, grace-filled, and self-aware that I have ever felt
Praising Your Coaching Today!
“Praising your coaching today, Lyndsay! I just flew to Dallas and had absolutely no fear!
60% improvement in one month!
“In the last month of coaching, I have created a 60% improvement with my son and our relationship.
I have wanted this for so long, and I am so grateful.”
Appreciation for Lyndsay
Hi, I’m Madeline. This is actually being written by my dad since I’m no longer around. I just wanted to say how much I loved Lyndsay. She was my life coach of five years and saw me through some tough times and was always by my side. She helped me rise above my fears, set goals, learn how to save, find a job and listen to myself. She encouraged me in my journaling and called me out when I was off track. I would say integrity was Lyndsay’s greatest teaching for me. When I was diagnosed with cancer, she helped me through the first hardest days and stuck with me every step of the way. Even when I wasn’t communicating that great she always listened to what I had to say. I felt completely at home and safe with Lyndsay. She was my best friend and did some amazing things in my life. I am so lucky to have had her as a coach!
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